Step-By-Step Guide Online

  1. Find the product you want.
  2. Click 'Add to basket' button. When in your basket you will be notified of any essential products which are necessary to make your item work when you get it home.
  3. Once you've added all your items to your basket, choose either collection or delivery.
  4. Once you've clicked on the appropriate button you can then go ahead and click the 'Continue to Checkout' button.
  1. Enter your preferred town or postcode to see product availability in the nearest 5 stores. If the product is in stock, it will be ready for you to collect within one hour. If it is not in stock, then it will be delivered to store and ready for you to collect from 1pm Monday to Friday and it will be ready to collect from 1pm the following day including Saturday. Orders placed on Saturday will be available for collection after 1pm Monday, and orders placed on Sunday will be available for collection after 1pm Tuesday. We'll hold your items for seven days.
  2. Select your preferred store, or you can still choose to have delivery to your home or work.
  3. Enter your contact details and click the "Confirm reservation" button.

If you are already registered:

  1. Go to 'log-in' at the top of the site.
  2. Enter your user name and password and click 'log-in'.
  3. Check your contact and delivery details are correct. You can choose to deliver to an alternative address.
  4. Choose your preferred delivery date, if applicable.
  5. Enter your payment details.
  6. Enter a promotional code if you have one.
  7. Click on 'Confirm Order'.

If you are a new customer or choose not to register:

  1. Enter your contact details.
  2. Enter you delivery address.
  3. Choose your preferred delivery address.
  4. Choose you payment details.
  5. Enter a promotional code if you have one.
  6. Click on 'Confirm Order'.

When reserving items, we will give you a reference number online and also via email and/or text if you have provided an email address and/or mobile phone number.

If you have ordered items for delivery we will give you an order reference number online and also via email. We will keep you informed on the progress of your order via email and text if you have provided a mobile phone number.

You can also track your order through ‘My Account’. You can use all these tools if you are buying anything on the site, follow how your order is progressing and find out delivery times.