Headsets & Stems

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4.7 / 5 (46)
  • Size/Diameter : 1 1/8"
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3.6 / 5 (10)
  • Size/Diameter : 1 1/8"
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4.6 / 5 (15)
  • Size/Diameter : 25.4mm
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4.6 / 5 (41)
  • Size/Diameter : 25.4mm
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4.8 / 5 (19)
  • Size/Diameter : 1 1/8"
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At Halfords, you’ll find a great selection of bike headsets and handlebar stems to suit all riders and riding disciplines. Our range is split into two categories - bike headsets and handlebar stems. Riding with a rattling or creaking headset can cause serious damage to the frame of your bike, and not to mention the problems you’ll have trying to control your bike, especially at speed or over rough terrain. Purchasing a smooth, quality headset will hugely improve your bike's handling, and could also prevent serious damage to the frame of your bike, potentially saving you a lot of money further down the line. When purchasing a new bike headset, you’ll need to identify whether you need an internal, external or integrated bike headset. There are also different sizes to choose from, with 1 1/8" being the most common. We stock a selection of traditional and tapered headsets, with the latter featuring heavily on both road bikes and mountain bikes . You also have the choice of threaded and threadless headsets for both mountain bikes and road bikes. All our headsets are brought to you by industry-leading brands, such as Fsa, Clarks, A2z, Aheadset and more. Bike stems are available in a choice of stem length and angle, and are a great way to adjust your riding position while cycling. We have a great selection of bike stems for all types of rider, with mountain bikers preferring a shorter stem with a shorter reach for quickening their steering, and road cyclists opting for a stem riser to improve their riding position. If you’re looking for a more upright riding position, say for commuters or hybrid bikes owners, an angled or riser stem is the way to go. As with a bike headset, there are a few measurements to take into account. The first is your handlebar width to ensure you have the correct clamp size, and the second if the size of your steerer tube to make sure your new stem will fit. And once you’ve found the products you love, use our convenient click & collect service to get a hold of them sooner. Alternatively, opt for delivery or head to your local Halfords store where one of our team will be happy to assist you with your new purchase. Need advice on how to adjust a headset? No worries, see our complete video guide online.