Car Phone Holders

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4.3 / 5 (1328)
  • Phone attachment : Clip
  • Car attachment : Suction cup
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4.0 / 5 (59)
  • Phone attachment : Clip
  • Car attachment : Clip
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3.8 / 5 (87)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Suction cup
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4.1 / 5 (280)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Sticker
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4.3 / 5 (172)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Clip
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Top Rated
4.4 / 5 (204)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Clip
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4.2 / 5 (180)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Clip
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3.5 / 5 (61)
  • Phone attachment : Clip
  • Car attachment : Suction cup
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4.1 / 5 (243)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Suction cup
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3.7 / 5 (469)
  • Phone attachment : Clip
  • Car attachment : Suction cup
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4.5 / 5 (10)
  • Type : Cup Holder Mount
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Driver safety is at the forefront of everything we do at Halfords, that’s why we supply a full range of the best car phone holders to make sure you can access your calls in the car without having compromise your safety. Our car mobile phone holders attach to the dashboard or windscreen and are compliant with all models of phone. The Halfords Univeral Windscreen Mount uses a suction cup to attach easily to your windscreen. Keep your phone fully charged as you drive with the Scosche Wireless Charging Vent Mount, which fits neatly into your air vent and makes sure have full power when you need it, as well as 360 degree movement for seamless viewing at any angle. For those long journeys with the kids, we even supply a Tablet Headrest Magic Mount, so you can keep the kids entertained while you drive in peace. Whatever your make of phone is we have a mobile phone holder to suit, including magnetic car phone holders for ease of use when driving. If you need help finding the right car phone holder to suit your phone and vehicle, then you can always call into your local Halfords store and one of our staff will be on hand to help you choose the best model for you. If you are ready to buy today then you can buy online and have your car mobile phone holder delivered to your door, or you can our free click & collect service if that’s better for you to get your car phone holder quickly.