Mobile Phone Accessories

Car charging
75 results
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4.0 / 5 (59)
  • Phone attachment : Clip
  • Car attachment : Clip
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4.4 / 5 (113)
  • Ports : 1x USB
  • OutPut : 1x 1AMP
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4.3 / 5 (22)
  • Number of 12V Sockets : 1
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4.3 / 5 (1328)
  • Phone attachment : Clip
  • Car attachment : Suction cup
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3.8 / 5 (87)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Suction cup
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4.1 / 5 (469)
  • Bluetooth Connection : Yes
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5.0 / 5 (3)
€17.00 €12.00 save €5
  • Port Type : 2 x 12V
  • Cable Length : 300cm
  • Cable End : 12V
€17.00 €12.00 save €5
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4.8 / 5 (9)
  • Connector Type : USB-C
  • Cable Material : Braided
  • Length : 2m
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4.1 / 5 (21)
€11.50 €10.00 save €1.50
€11.50 €10.00 save €1.50
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4.1 / 5 (280)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Sticker
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4.2 / 5 (82)
  • Bluetooth Connection : Yes
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4.3 / 5 (172)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Clip
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Top Rated
4.4 / 5 (204)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Clip
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4.2 / 5 (180)
  • Phone attachment : Magnet
  • Car attachment : Clip
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5.0 / 5 (9)
  • Length : 4ft
  • Type : USB-C to Lightning
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Displaying   24   of   75   products
Halfords range of mobile phone accessories is designed to help you make the most of your mobile phone. If you spend a lot of time in the car, a car phone holder is essential to make sure you don’t miss any calls when you are on the move. We also supply a range of car phone chargers to keep you connected. If you own more than one phone or frequently travel with passengers, our range of Multi-sockets are just the thing to make sure multiple people can charge their phone at the same time. Also, with Halfords range of power banks, you’ll never be short of charge. We also supply wireless chargers so you can charge your phone without being tied to one spot. No matter what type of phone you have, we stock the mobile accessories to suit. Whether it’s Android phone accessories or Apple phone accessories you’re looking for, shop our range online to find what you need. We also stock a large selection of USB cables which are easy to use and fit all devices. Once you’re ready to make a purchase, use our convenient click & collect service to get your products sooner. Or, if you’d prefer to have them delivered, just select this option at checkout. Still unsure which mobile phone accessories are right for you? Head down to your local Halfords store where one of our staff will help you out. For more information on the law around mobile phones and driving, see our advice article in our help & advice hub.