Holts Wondarweld 500ml
Holts Wondarweld 500ml
Holts Wondarweld 500ml
The Holts Wondarweld is a heavy duty engine block and cylinder repair which can be used at home to repair leaks quickly and cost-effectively. It's a permanent repair which is anti-corrosive to protect against future leaks. It is a heavy duty repair which fixes cracks in cylinder heads, engine blocks and head gaskets permanently. You can trust Wondarweld to seal leaks safely without causing damage or clogging the system, with professional results. Always read the instructions before use, and never pour into oil.
Click here to see instructions
Features & Benefits:- Permanently seals cracked cylinder blocks, internal & external leaks in water jacket
- Suitable for steel, iron and aluminium engines
- Prevents the need for engine rebuild
- DO NOT POUR IN ENGINE OIL - always read the instructions carefully before us
- Engine block and cylinder repair
- Suitable for all cars
- 500ml
- Heavy duty crack repair
- Repairs cracks in engine blocks, cylinder head gaskets and water pump gaskets
- No clogging or damaging effect
- Warning: Causes skin irritation
- Warning: Causes serious eye irritation
- *Please note the packaging may vary in store or via delivery
Hazards & Warnings

Causes skin irritation

Causes serious eye irritation